What's Happening

Each day, the gap between those who have access to technology and those who do not continues to widen. The rapid pace of digital innovation in our society has revolutionized every aspect of our lives, offering life-changing benefits such as access to financial services, healthcare, and education. Unfortunately, those who are left on the wrong side of the digital divide fall further behind. As the demand for computers and internet connectivity increases, many low-income communities struggle to access these resources. This challenge extends to various groups, including low-income families, veterans in need, people with disabilities, seniors, the homeless, and non-profit organizations. These individuals often face difficulties with daily tasks due to a lack of access to technology or the basic skills required to use it effectively.

What's Changed and Why It's Important

When you look around us today, approach and access to almost every thing we do everyday is changing. For example;

  • Paying for basic utilities like Water and power. Offices are closed to the public so you need to call and make an appointment or pay your bill online.
  • Filing a simple police report nowadays you’re directed to do it online.
  • Most banks and other financial institutions have cut back on both their business days and hours. They encourage or push everyone to use ATMs and use online access to make their banking transactions. Appointments with a banker are usually weeks away.
  • Most businesses no longer answer or take calls. You can wait on a phone call for more than an hour only for the call to drop as soon as someone answers or you will be put on hold or transferred through a series of transfers that the call will drop or end without completing the call’s intended purpose.
  • Shopping as we know has largely moved online with places like Amazon, Walmart, and Bestbuy among others leaving local stores with a limited variety or selection of products.
  • When it comes to traveling, booking tickets for events its largely if not only online.
  • Calling a cab, uber, or Lyft is only through smartphones.
  • Schools are now a mixture of both in-person and online
  • Hospitals and Physician visits are being done remotely
Our services

All this is a cause for concern if you have a family member, an older parent, a neighbor, a homeless friend, or a relative who has no access to a computer or smartphone or internet.

And at Bridge The Digital Divide Resource center, we are here to help. Learn More

Call us Mon-Sat : 10am-5pm at 310-999-0001 or Visit us at 2321 W.54th Street, Los Angeles Ca 90043