Bridge The Digital Divide is recruiting volunteers for our expanded Computer Literacy workshops. We are looking for volunteers with an expertise in Computer Literacy who are interested in teaching our curriculum for the below topics. Bridge The Digital Divide will provide the materials and training as part of your volunteer experience.
The Computer Literacy Facilitator will work with Bridge The Digital Divide clients in a workshop setting or one-on-one to help gain basic computer literacy skills. The workshop will include participants from a wide spectrum of abilities, from highly proficient to no computer experience at all. The Computer Literacy Facilitator will help trainees gain further knowledge.
Workshops and support groups provide women with access to expert-level instructors knowledgeable in specific subject matter, as well as a safe learning environment of peers to network with. The efforts of Computer Literacy Facilitators directly empowers women to learn new skills and techniques applicable in everyday life.
Bridge The Digital Divide
2321 W 54th St, Los Angeles, CA 90043
Phone: (310) 999-0001 | Email: [email protected]