Hello, my name is Isaac Kashaka. Like so many immigrants, especially those from underprivileged countries, coming to the United States is a monumental achievement, celebrated alongside life’s most important milestones like birth, baptism, graduation, employment, and marriage. When you leave for the United States, people back home look up to you with hope and pride. Because someone once extended a hand to me and offered an opportunity, I believe it’s only fair to do the same for others. For me, education is the most valuable gift a person can receive. To give back to those I left behind in Africa, I founded Umoja Primary School, which has been making a difference for 12 years now.

In my adopted home, the United States, I felt compelled to give back as well. I established Bridge The Digital Divide, a tech resource center in South Los Angeles, to help our community thrive in what is often referred to as a “tech desert.” You can learn more about this initiative at Bridgela.org.

I want you to know that you are seen, valued, and appreciated, even when society sometimes makes you feel otherwise. For the past three years, I have hoped that our community leaders would recognize the difficulties many of you face in adapting to new technology and support organizations like ours that are here to help you on this journey. Unfortunately, that recognition has been slow in coming.

In my own way, I want to express my deepest gratitude to you. Thank you for laying the foundation upon which we all continue to thrive. I want to say this in person, while you’re still here, to hold your hand and guide you through this digital world that has surprised so many of us. Even now, you continue to share your wisdom and insights, from which I—and so many others—benefit immensely.

Over the past three and a half years, I’ve had the privilege of teaching many of you digital skills. Our conversations have been not only enlightening but also deeply moving. The stories you’ve shared have opened my eyes to the challenges you face, ones that often keep you up at night. Listening can be difficult, but I know that sharing your experiences lightens your hearts, and it is truly an honor to be here for you.

I hope that one day soon, the world will fully recognize your struggles and respond with the support you deserve.